Wednesday, April 29, 2020

It's Super Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond
It is Tuesday morning that I am sitting at my laptop answering questions for tomorrow's Hodgepodge.  If I didn't know better, I would think it was 9:30 pm. instead of 9:30 a.m.  We are expecting more major storms to roll in late tonight, but right now it looks prime for some this morning.  The barometric pressure must be off the charts.  Does anyone else get headaches when this happens?

Let's jump into the questions Joyce has given us today.  Check out the other answers on her blog at From This Side of the Pond.

1. Expect the unexpected on From This Side of the Pond. Here's my x-ray question...when was the last time you felt like Superman? What's your superpower? Explain.  

This morning?  I tackled the grocery store at 6 a.m. this morning and actually found everything on my list.  I left feeling pretty smug.

My superpower?  Besides being really good at doing little or nothing these days, I think its realizing that I am not a victim of my circumstances.  I have learned to be content in whatever state I find myself.  This doesn't mean I am overly optimistic or lackadaisical.  I am neither, but I am strong and am determined to make the best of a situation.

2. Are you a fan of the 'superhero' type movies? If so what's your favorite? 

I really am not, but have seen a couple with the family members who do love them.  I can't even recall the name of the last one I saw, so there is no favorite.

3. Have you postponed or cancelled a trip to the dentist in recent weeks, and if so when do you think you'll feel comfortable going back? How about other routine medical procedures? 

I had my last dental appointment last fall and am not due another until May.  That one remains to be seen as I see my dentist nephew who's practice is in another state.

I did have a 6-month post-surgery check-up on my hand a couple weeks ago, but no medical procedures.  Thankfully!

4. What's something that makes you feel youthful? Something that makes you feel 'not so youthful'? Tell us why. 

Gracious, when was the last time I actually felt youthful?  I suppose it is more a frame of mind than an actual activity.

Some things that make me feel youthful, also make me feel 'not so youthful.  Exercise for example.  While I feel energized, I also feel so old when I can't do what I used to be able to do effortlessly.  Also, when I'm with my grown up grandchildren, they help me feel younger than I really am, because they love me that way.

5. I feel compelled to include some sort of corona related question in the HP these days. What's the strangest thing you've seen in relation to the virus? Something that really struck you as odd, made you stop and think, 'Dorothy we're not in Kansas anymore?'

Since my social interactions are quite limited, and my neighbors know how to behave themselves, I will have to rely on other people's sightings.

A friend posted these on FB.  I'm sure you've seen them too.  How many times can we just shake our heads and roll our eyes at people's stupid ingenuity?  Can you believe folks actually do these things and think its okay?

6. Insert your own random thought here

I suggested our Sunday School class do a "News From the Front Porch" photo and answer a couple questions as a means of staying in touch while living apart.  Dick and I went first, but since no one else seems to want to participate, it will be a short-lived project.  Oh well, the Days say "Hi" from our front porch.

Hope you have a nice rest of your week.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day
Elizabeth "Libby" Day

Hello, My name is Libby. I enjoy reading good books, painting, blogging, spending time with friends and whatever my "Heart" leads me to do. Welcome to Beauty Without Within.

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